Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Microsoft Surface

Finally, something really new in the User Interface field from Microsoft. Microsoft Surface represents a fundamental change in the way we interact with digital content. With Surface, we can actually grab data with our hands and move information between objects with natural gestures and touch. Surface features a 30-inch tabletop display whose unique abilities allow for several people to work independently or simultaneously. All without a mouse or a keyboard.

Multi-user interactions on a graphical display surface was not new to me, see for instance the Multi-Touch Interaction Research, but here, we are talking about a consumer product which should hit the market in Winter 2007, I am curious about the price they will ask...

1 comment:

Pogoff said...

Hello Patrice.

My apologies for erasing the comment you posted on my blog on how to increase views, publicize, and track/count number of hits. Do you mind sending me and email or relaying this info. through my blog? I'd appreciate it.

Thanks much!